Saturday, May 23, 2015

Blog #7: The Local Farmer & the Ancient History‏

Monday, May 18th

A local farmer was kind enough to show us her home and small acreage. Most farms are less than an acre.
The farmer pretty much runs the entire farm on her own, living off what she sells from produce and homemade art.
She does most herself, but will ask neighbors for help if she can't. She pays $10/day. 

Land is owned by the government. It's a 70 year lease from government for farm land, 50 years for a housr.
After lease is up the government does what it wants with the land.

Today, my eyes were laid on the wonder known as the Terra Cotta warriors.
Two thousand soldiers were on the surface for the public, 6,000 underneath.
The soldiers used to be completely painted, but sunlight and air destroyed the color over a short time. All the warriors exposed are barren of paint.

My first Chinese massage was great! Best foot massage with a decent fix for my back muscles and shoulders. Trying to translate ended up being a fun experience rather than a stressful one. 

People left me at the massage parlor. I walked a couple blocks hoping to find someone, but no success. It was pure luck that I glanced down a side street and found the bus. Confirmed it was our bus driver sitting there, said a "ni hao" and walked on up. I chilled in the bud for about twenty minutes. China Momma Janet felt bad (all the faculty did) and offered to get me delivery from KFC since I missed grabbing dinner. It was 10:30 at night so Janet settled with walking with me across the street to the convenience store. The only thing they had that looked appetizing was vanilla ice cream - flavored oreos, in which Janet demanded she paid for. You do not fight with an independent Chinese woman.

I attempted to pay for it with my card, but Janet insisted they did not take American credit cards. She still refused to take my cash. I'm pretty sure she lied. The cashiere smiled at me after her and Janet shared some words in Chinese. 

I'll miss China Momma dearly...

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